Thursday, 27 February 2014

Finally Going Freelance!

Hello again fellow bloggers and lovely followers,

I'm very excited to tell you all that I am now officially working as a freelance makeup artist in my spare time (evenings and weekends) - I'm hoping it will take off soon!

My good friend Olivia Slack (popular fashion blogger - Click here to view The Fashion Diaries!) kindly offered to model for me to help me with building a proper portfolio.

Here are a couple of sneaky previews from our shoot today from my new Instagram page:

Subtle smokey eyes, pink ombre lips, airbrush foundation
Evening smokey eyes with gel eyeliner, nude lips and airbrush foundation
My Instagram username is abbierogersmua - I've only launched it today so there aren't many posts but it would be great if you could swing by and give me a quick 'follow' if you love makeup.

Olivia has also created a gorgeous logo and brand for my upcoming website and business cards which I'm really excited about! If any of you out there need help with something similar go to her blog (link further up the blog!) and send her a message - she's a creative genius!

I've also been practicing with my Airbase makeup on myself! Quite an unusual sensation - especially with your eyes closed - but well worth the effort. I'm trying hard not to get addicted to it as I don't want to waste all of my product on myself... it's just too good! 

Here's a picture of a recent experiment with my new products from the Professional Beauty 2014 Event in London on Monday 24th February (blog of all my purchases coming soon)

So what do you think? Any freelance artists out there who have any useful advice please comment on my blog - all negative/positive comments welcome!

For anyone in the East Midlands area of the UK that may be in need of a makeover for a special occasion, get in contact using and I will be happy to send over a price list and discuss looks with you!

Happy blogging folks! 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

I'm officially back!

Hello again my lovely, fellow bbloggers. 

I can't quite believe it's been nearly a whole year since I posted my last blog! How I have missed it! I've still been avidly keeping up to date with all of your posts and purchases - lots of really good inspirational blogs around and I think a long break was exactly what the blog-doctor ordered.

This is just a quick post to let you know that next week I will be posting my new blog on Lord & Berry eye and lip products that I've recently purchased. I'm loving them so far but want to make sure they stand the test of time before I recommend them to you all. 

Also, I'm off to the Professional Beauty 2014 event at London Excel on 24th February so I'm hoping to be bundled with goodies that I can write about. Exciting times ahead!

Here's a little sneaky preview of what you can expect next week...

Speak to you soon my lovelies!