Friday, 26 October 2012

Clarins Cleanser & Toner - Oily/Combination skin

Now I know what you're thinking; why am I reviewing Clarins when most of the people who are going to read this blog probably don't think they can afford it or think it's overpriced and overrated?

Well bloggers, if there's one blog on here that you pay attention to then let it be this one! Forget saving up for a holiday or a car or that gorgeous pair of shoes and invest in these two life savers. At a slightly painful price of £15 each (eek!) I understand that a lot of people would immediately be put off and be forced to buy horrendously cheap alcoholic skin care instead. If this is you; STOP. If I haven't changed your mind by the end of this blog then I give you full permission to ruin your lovely skin with cheap products. Do me a favour and read on!

The earlier you start on a good beauty regime the better. And what better way to start than with Clarins! Admittedly, they are renowned for being one of the more pricey, upmarket brands on the market but I can assure you there is a reason why this duo are so expensive!

I have tried so many products over the years for my spot-prone oily skin and can actually say that using these two twice a day (morning and evening) every day has made such a noticable difference to the feel and complexion of my skin, even without makeup. I've been through all of the cheaper brands thinking 'they'll do the same job, the pricey ones are just a rip off' but that's where I went wrong for maaaany years. Infact, the cheaper products are more likely to irritate your skin with all of their harsh chemicals and make your skin blotchy and sometimes even sting your face. It's so important to use a good cleanser and toner, especially if you use them to remove eye makeup because the skin around your eyes is so sensitive and always the first to wrinkle - we want to avoid this for as long as

When I first started using it I never had a 'method' of how I cleansed and toned my face, I just kind of scrubbed the cotton wool all over and assumed it was doing the trick. It wasn't until I went to buy my second lot of life-savers and got chatting to the Clarins respresentative that I realised I was doing it totally wrong. How can you possibly cleanse and tone wrong I hear you say? Well listen to this. The poor lady had a heart attack when I told her I just wiped it all over my face and went about my day as normal. "No, no no!" she shouted, whilst shaking her head. "You must work gently doooowwwwn the face starting from your forehead, down your t-zone and finally working out to your cheeks and neck!" If you're anything like me, you'll be thinking "what difference does it make?! And why on earth would I cleanse and tone my neck?!" But trust me, it really did make a difference! That night, I removed my makeup with a babywipe (I didn't tell the hysterical Clarins lady I did this because I think that would tipped her over the edge) and menouvred my cotton wool exactly as instructed and I was quite amazed at what happened. The wool was BLACK! It removes all of the trapped dirt and oil from your face that ordinary wipes don't reach. Just like the crazy lady said, it works so much better when you do it gently, in circular motions from the t-zone, down and outwards. I repeated the regimented process using the toner and it felt lovely. It gives a slightly tingly-clean sensation and I felt like I'd had a luxury facial! I sometimes go over my neck as she instructed but to be honest, most of the time I forget. If you're reading this crazy Clarins lady, I am sorry.
After two weeks of using them morning and evening in the same way I'd been taught I noticed a real significant difference in my complexion. My skin was clearer, my complexion was even and I started using less foundation because I no longer needed it. The oilyness of my skin died down dramatically and my powder now lasts ages because I don't need to top up throughout the day trying to hide any shiny patches. It was a miracle! FINALLY A PRODUCT THAT WORKS!

So, have I changed your mind yet? Even if I haven't fully convinced you, I really think you should try it for yourself or even go to the Clarins counter in Boots and ask for some samples - that's how I get started on most of my pricey products. The samples are good for a couple of days use which gives a good indication as to whether you get on with the product and like how it feels on your skin and how it smells - all of these factors are important because if you hate how it feels then you're not going to want to use it and spending £30 will be a waste.

If I have convinced you then welcome to the bright side! If you want to buy it then it is £15 for each item in Boots or if you're a fan of online shopping, why not try Personal Pharmacy who are offering the dynamic duo for £25.00 rather than the RRP of £30.00. Every little helps!

So there's my blog to help my fellow oily skinned spot prone amigos. Comment and let me know what you think, especially if you've tried them yourselves and have a different opinion or if you agree! All comments welcome! Look out for my next blog where I'll be reviewing my favourite foundation of all time, and this time it's AFFORDABLE! Huzzah!

Next review: Max Factor Lasting Performance Foundation

1 comment:

  1. Both products, 200ml for £16 with a facial scrub and a makeup bag. Amazing!
